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Night View

Reykjavik in winter viewed from Perlan 

Here's downtown Reykjavik at night. You can see the Big Church, Hallgrimskirkja, in the distance. This view is from Perlan, the massive glass-domed Pearl of Reykjavík...a definite Must for any traveler to Iceland. There, you can experience an indoor geysir, have a gourmet meal (or just an ice cream and coffee) and take in a 360 degree view of the Capital from the outdoor platform. It's like our local Space Needle, or Eiffel Tower.

Tonight, the annual Vetrarhátið, or Winter Festival, begins in Reykjavík. Hallgrímskirkja will be lit up in fantastic colored lights synchronized to live pipe organ music broadcast outside the church. A ton of other things will be going on as well: gallery opeings, dance performances, light shows by the lake, concerts, etc. Fun for everyone all weekend long. Icelanders love to find reasons to hold festivals!

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