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Stark Beauty

An astute reader, lovewine, noticed that my Valentine's Day rose photo was taken at a cemetery. It's from the old burial grounds just above the Reykjavík town lake, a beautiful place to wander any time of the year. Trees grow thick and full out of centuries-old plots, and arch over the well-tended main walkways. In the summer, they overflow with foliage creating an arboreal haven in the middle of the city.

The cemetery is full to bursting with the history of Reykjavik etched on headstones and buried deep in the earth. Though no new burials take place here, relatives still leave flowers and candles on the plots of their departed loved ones, traditionally on Christmas Eve.

I highly recommend taking a serene and contemplative stroll through this historical urban wilderness...


Graham Jones said...

Cemetaries are such photo friendly places.

Iceland Eyes said...

I totally agree...something to do with the inherent quiet, I think.