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Iceland has a burgeoning hothouse culture that usually comes as a surprise to newcomers who imagine that the country is comprised of only desolate lava fields and lonely tundra. There is, of course, plenty of that to be had here, but perched on top of all that non-arable land are thousands of hothouses, large and small, that cater to Icelanders' taste for fresh tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers, as well as our ever-present need to brighten up our urban landscapes as much as possible.

Each June, hundreds of thousands of marigold, zinnia and other annuals are planted in eye-candy color combinations, turning Reykjavik into the floral wonder of the north. Hothouses, like this one in Mossfellsdalur where I went to get the rose petals for Toggi's opening last week, are getting ready for the start of the flower season by nuturing row after row of geothermally-encouraged Icelandic summer blossoms.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh so much green....feelin crazy today, my plays tonight:)

Iceland Eyes said...

You're always CrraaazzzzY, girl!!!

Oh, and break a Leg!

L said...

how unexpected :)