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Guest of Honor

The following series of photos are from Toggi's gallery opening which took place yesterday. As I mentioned in this post, the show was dedicated to Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, President of Iceland from 1980 to 1996. Toggi, or Thorgeir Frímann Óðinsson, had the great honor of welcoming Vigdís when she arrived to show her support. They, the artist and president, stand center, flanked by Harry and Stef (of gusgus) who run the small outdoor Bananananas gallery. Look at the smiles on the boys' faces: they look like nervous gradeschoolers shining with pride, don't they?


Hel said...

well. I was all wrapped up in my own egocentric hangover that day so I didn´t show.
which I regret now!
Bad friend Hel..baad

Iceland Eyes said...

Love you anyway, hel!