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The Neighborhood

Here's a photo of my charming neighborhood. Valentína and Karítas talked me into going up to the top of Hallgrímskirkja this afternoon, and thanks to cold but lovely weather I was able to take this birdseye pic of my little slice of the world. You can just see the roof of my building, dead center and just a little above the middle of the shot, behind the long pinkish building that runs right to left. I like this photo, especially for the fact that the town lake shows so well.


Anonymous said...

Is your apartment still for sale? I'm ready to move in! Nice location by the pond there.

Iceland Eyes said...

Oh Collin, looks like my mamma and pabbi scooped you! We're "trading places": my daughter, my man and myself are taking over their pad on the third flood of this builidng and they're going to buy this one...maybe you can rent it when you get here to start school!

That is if Cy doesn't snatch it up first!