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Little Moneymakers

Valentina (in blue) and Telma held a tombóla, or mini flea market today in front of Krambuð, the cute little store at the very top of Skólavörðurstígur, just across the street from Hallgrímskirkja. There wasn't much foot traffic today during the hour they were out being capitalists, but they did make enough to buy a four-pack of jawbreakers (which they have to save until Saturday, nammidagur, or candy day).

I wanted to post something sweet and colorful because I also want to mention that this weekend in Reykjavík there were two drug/alcohol related stabbings, one that resulted in death. Unfortunately, it turns out that the murderer is the son of a murderer: his father killed someone in, I think, 1976. This news made me think how sad it is that we're entering out second generation of murderers here; I remember a time when I could safely and proudly say that murder didn't happen in Iceland, at least not even once a year. With Capitalism, modernity and consumerism comes much to be thankful for, but also a loss of innocence for a small and once-isolated nation. Sad.


Professor Batty said... nice to see the picture of the girls. The tombolla is a sign that there is still some innocence left there...

Maja said...

Hi Asta,
I found your site from Iceland Weather Report. My parents are Icelandic and moved to Australia in 1969. I was born and grew up here, but we spent one year in Iceland in 1986, and I also went and lived there for 18 months over 2002 and 2003. It's always great to read about what's going on in Iceland from a personal point of view.
