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Here's another shot of our lovely little beach at Nauthólsvík. I'm sure it was packed with beautiful bodies this weekend, as the weather here has been fantastic. I'm always so happy for tourists and other visitors when they get to experience real summer in full bloom on this often stark volcanic island!

My niece Mekkin (who was shown playing with dolphins in an earlier post) is here for the summer, and being fourteen years old is gainfully employed in the unglingavinna program the state provides. Teens (or unglinga) are paid a small but better-than-nothing wage to smarten up the towns and cities by planting annuals and plucking weeds, mowing public lawns and picking trash from park bushes. For most Icelanders it was their first real job, and I'm really proud of Mekkin for choosing to come here from California to improve her Icelandic (she was born here so it's all up there in her head somewhere!), immerse herself in her native culture and show her independence. I used to laugh at the sight of "lazy" teens laying about in parks, pulling weeds at the rate of two or three an hour, but I completely appreciate that nearly all of them choose to take on these jobs as opposed to laying about at home doing nothing for the summer months. When the weather is great like it's been, there's even the added bonus of grabbing a nice tan while they're at it!

This country is undergoing massive growth right now, if all the building and prettification is any sign. Iceland has an overall Can-Do attitude that's manifesting in improvements to infrastructure, the expansion of universities and colleges, an almost overwhelming number of new commercial enterprises and residential neighborhoods, and quite possibly, the application of our natural resources to new and more viable industries. I was wondering the other day if Iceland as a nation has attracted, through our genius blend of historical relevance (we are The Vikings) and size-doesn't-matter arrogance, it's almost incomprehensible prosperity, a la The Secret. The Law of Attraction states that if you believe something to be so, and stay focused on that belief, material reality will manifest that belief. We have always believed ourselves to be special, to be strong, to be survivors and to be creators, and we are. The evidence is manifest and apparent everywhere you look and listen on this best little island in the world.


Hel said...

ok this link is terribly long, but Bjarni made this google-map of Reykjavík with loads of info, a must for ppl moving here

Joao said...

came across your blog just by luck.
nice pics u have here! congrats!
I've been very recently (a couple of weeks ago) into Iceland and found it very very awsome.
I've posted a 1st set of photos so if u have the time to check them, you're very welcomed.
take care og farvel!

Anonymous said...


While it is very
nice to think that Mekkín Ragnheiður is here to connect too her roots by workin in the unglingavinna (Which I didn't know about until now) then I think her main reason to spend the summer in Iceland is the fact that here she gets freedom which are mor or less inconcievable in the USA. To take an simple exaple, When I was going home from your parentet dinnerparty the other night at 10.30 I met her and your Valentína in the street (and as far as I could tell Valerntína was introducing her to the neighborhood ). My point is there were two young girls totally unsupervised by any adult late at night and nobody thought is strange. The only reason I noticed it was that they are both my kin.

Your bizarre uncle Eiríkur

Iceland Eyes said...

Well, Eiríkur, after trying in vain to sugar-coat the whole deal about Mekkin being here to work, learn, etc, I think you've written the raw truth. While the girls won't be taking long long walks after ten pm anymore (curfew here for under-agers is 10) it was nice for Mekks to get a chance to explore at night, even though it was still as bright as noon!

Thanks for dropping a line, Uncle, and thanks for the very cool link by our cousin Bjarni, Hel!

Fernando said...

The sight of a sand beach is a new side of Iceland for me, but the enterpreneurial mentality I always suspected it existed.

However, having a lot of construction going on isn't always a good thing, especially if it is poorly planned. I hope your urban planners know what they are doing, so you don't end up with something like many places in the southern European coast.

Anonymous said...

hello Maria! ma name is Tomek and live in Poland. i've never been to Iceland but i love this island. the trip to the place of my dream is at the moment too expensive for me ( y prices in Iceland R so loong ;) ) so i want to thank You for this blog, for tell me more 'bout ordinary life and people in Iceland sorry for my english , it's not as good as i wish , waiting for more. greetings from Poland

Parisian Cowboy said...

I can hardly believe that this is here the orth of northern Europe. Beautiful shot.