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Skuggahverfi, or Shadow Neighborhood, is that part of midtown Reykjavik that lies to the north of Laugavegur, or above the blue-lined street on this map. Lacking the much sought-after southern exposure found on the other side of Þingholt ("Assembly Hill," or, the Hill the Big Church is On), this neighborhood is darkened during the winter months when the sun rides low on the horizon. In the summer, though, Skuggahverfi is blessed by the midnight sun as it cruises through the northern skies, making late-night balcony barbecues a beautiful experience.

Apartment towers are popping up along the base of the hill, which, incongruous as they are against the quaint wooden houses that pepper the area, help to block the neighborhood from Kári, the ferocious northern wind. Despite that benefit, though, what some people see as developmental progess in the heart of Reykjavik, others see as modern monstrosities destroying the charm of our little city.

(Nota bene: Answers to the last post's questions are on their way. This is final call for input from the world at large!)

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