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Just pretty.

This is the little grove on the southwest side of the town lake where my father says he used to go with his childhood buddies for summertime picnic adventures. The trees, probably not much taller than he was fifty (ahem!) -odd years ago, have matured beautifully.

If you love old things and measures of our ever changing world like I do, you'll enjoy visiting the Reykjavík Museum of Photography website. The photo that I've linked shows an overview of the town lake, and from the very barren patch in the lower left hand corner of that 1919 image the lush little forest shown above has tenaciously emerged.


Anonymous said...

When I was stationed in Iceland, we use to call areas like this the National Forest of Iceland.

I love your blog!! said...

very interesting blog. was looking up on some Iceland website when stumbled on to yours. would like to come by again for more read. keep up the good write. thanks.