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I'm sure that a lot of you who've been here will get this picture, though maybe you'll find it as surprising as I did to see that it's a big huge Icelandair 757 buzzing the city center and not just a Fokker from Flugfélagið or a private jet that is coming in for a landing at the domestic airport which, of course, we're all used to.

I don't know if there was any specific reason why it landed in town instead of out at Keflavík, but don't be surprised when you visit if you hear the sound of an incoming plane. You might even make it a game to see if you can get an awesome belly shot as it zooms past overhead!*

*The best location for this is out at Hljómskálagarðinn by the town lake (link is to a photo and post by Professor Batty.) Oh, and here you can watch a live cam feed of Tjörnin, the town lake : ) 


GuiltTrip said...

Good read! I also like to read up on flight reviews before I choose what to fly; only way to get real value for money IMO. Found a site that has started to cater to travelers curiosity and help knowing which is the best airline to fly with. It's a completely new website which is under revamping I guess by the looks of it. But users can still read and post reviews to help fellow travelers. Pretty neat: I guess if they do revamp in a big way we could be having a great info site on airline value for money! :D

I'd Rather Be in Iceland said...

Wow! That really would have been a surprise. I wonder what the people on the plane were thinking and where they were actually expecting to land.
On a somewhat similar note I was very surprised to see fighter planes taking off from Akureyri last week. No idea why they were there.