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A random photo of tourists in lupin at Geysir
Aaaack! I'm super busy and I can't talk right now. The Nordic Panorama film festival is in the works: 400 guests from the five Nordic nations and it all starts on my birthday next Friday. I've got a couple of assistants to help with the newsletter I'm publishing for the festival, which is verrry cooooool.

Elementary school teachers are going on strike on Monday, so 43,000 Icelandic kids between ages 6 and 15 will be out on the streets starting next week. Thank god I can work from home, but what about the parents who have to show up at the office? The teacher's union is not happy with companies that are offering daycare for their employees during the strike, so this is a major issue for everyone. The country could very well be hobbled, which is, of course, the purpose of a strike.

More later...

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