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Here's an interview I took with Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir who created the new Björk documentary, the inner or deep part of an animal or plant structure that accompanies the singer's new and stunning musical release, Medulla.

This interview was published in the December Reykjavik Grapevine magazine, but was edited to the bone. I want to offer it in whole, giving readers a chance to meet Ragnheiður in whole, the way I did. Cheers.


Shona said...

Hi Maria,

I am returning your visit to my blog and have bookmarked your site. You have some very cool pictures (no pun intended) and it's great to find a blog about a country I know little about. I'd love to visit Iceland one day - perhaps when I know more than 0 words of Icelandic. :)


Anonymous said...

What kinda digital camera do you use, is it a sony cybershot? and how many pixels? Pictures you ve taken are simply beautiful .

Iceland Eyes said...

hi anonymous...i use an Olympus μ [mju:] 300 with 3.2 pix. just a pocket camera, really. i guess it's all in what you point the darn thing at, isn't it? thanks so much for the complement!

Iceland Eyes said...

To Shona.
Here's a word: Takk. It means Thanks!