I am then a thirty-something re-patriot to the Old Country with a six year-old daughter and no more on the way just now, thank you. I'm just about as California as you can get when I'm out there, with sun-blonded hair and blue eyes, cheerleader, surf-baby, tan, a little new age (University of California, Santa Cruz, thank you) and a ton of smiles and charm. People here get a kick out of how stereotypically Hollywood-movie my life was out west (Did you date the football star? they always ask. Answer's no...the soccer star! ha ha). The irony is that I fit in very well here, too. Only my accent gives me away, but on good days even that I can pass off as Faeroe Islands-ish. Makes sense. I'm both nations and always will be. I have dual citizenship, I dream in both languages and I could never deny the one country fully for the other. This site is about that duality; it's my insider/outsider perspective of life on this island I now call home.
Now that the introduction's done, I'll be writing each day about what's going on here: top news, local gossip, etc. I live in the heart of the city (101 Reykjavik) so I have a very central vantage point; the city kind of pulses from this core and we'd like to assume that the rest of the country follows the beat (though that might be a little egotistical!) I'll mention good restaurants and hotels, insider tips for visitors and the best "touristy" things to buy and do while here. Mostly though, this will be a Day in the Life kind of spot that I hope you will enjoy!
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