The City of Reykjavík asked grade schools in the Reykjavík area to submit descriptions of recent learning projects that they feel have been successful in encouraging kids to take a more active part in their education . At one of our weekly meetings, Árný asked for suggestions. When nobody reacted at first she said, "I've learned through experience that there's no shame in nominating yourself for this kind of thing...it's better than waiting for someone else to do it for you." And immediately a hand shot up. Two people later, I though to myself, What the heck and mentioned our project. Árný aksed us to write out descriptions for her to submit. We did, and I forgot about it for the next month and a half.
She called today to let me know that our Blog Project will be presented with an award on the 17th of June, our National Day, at the Reykjavík City Hall, with cake and coffee to follow. I am so excited and so proud of all of the students who took part in this award. They own it, really, because if they hadn't taken part and trusted me, it would never have happened.
And once again, thanks to all my cyber-friends who read, commented and encouraged!
María your father and I are so pround of your and your kids. I am doubly happy that I, your sister and her family will be there to see you guys (that is to say if onlookers are allowed) get the award. Your father isn´t happy about not being there in person, but he will be there is spirit. Mamma
Maria, that's wonderful news. I visited your kids' blogs from time to time and was impressed by how your ambition for their learning was clearly being realised. Well done to you all!
Thank you all soooo much...couldn't have done it without all of your suuport for this blog.
(Mom, so happy you'll all be here to share in my moment... and Daddy-O, I'll miss you much!)
What a wonderful story.
Maria, that is SO cool! Frábært - til hamingju!!
It was a great project idea and is now being rewarded for the time and effort that went into it....congrajulations.
Well done.. I've been reading your students blog, now and then.. it amazes me how well they write english being so young... I know it is because they have such a great teacher.. you rock! ;)
Congratulations! :)
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