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Park Love

A pretty statue by the town lake in Reykjavík, just the other side of the driving bridge that crosses the water. Unfortunately, some funny guy (or girl) marked over a certain sensitive spot with their black indelible marker. Kids, eh?

I'll have to add the artist and title of the piece later. Otherwise, all is well in our pretty little city. It's cold, with a crisp fall wind thrashing the leaves off trees and snow falling in the more northern cities. I'm busy with school and so have slacked off the blogging substantially. Not gone, though, just önnum kafinn í bili.

More pix soon...promise.


Anonymous said...

oo vá, I know who ´improved´ that statue

Iceland Eyes said... I'm super curious!!!! Don't tell me it was a forty year old woman please! I'm so assuming it was a young dude with a Sharpie and a sense of humor...

(oh, and good to hear from you again, digdug!)

Anonymous said...

"önnum kafinn í bili."



Iceland Eyes said...

Basically it means "busy with other things at the moment."