In continuation of yesterday's post, here is a very gothic shot of Einar Jónsson's art deco castle, long the only structure of any note on the top of Skólavörðuholt (otherwise known as the hill that the massive
Hallgrímskirkja perches upon like a fancy-groomed
Shih Tzu lapdog). I can't seem to find any photos online of the hill before it was built up, you can read more about its history
(By the way, this is the back view from the garden. You can just see the church tower hiding behind the trees to the right of the house.)
(Oh, and on another subject: I tried taking the comment verification off so that commenters don't have to type in those crazy series of letters, but I immediately got wierd spam from bizzare companies, so I've turned it back on. C'est la vie.
Wow, great shot, I'll be heading over there this weekend to see this place for myself. I have only driven by, never been in there, and it's time to change that.
Interesting architecture and lighting!
Voilà :
Merci de l'information, myrkrakompan. Here is a quick link to the site he suggests, where you can see what the hill looked like back in the black and white days...This photo from 1926 shows Einar Jónsson's home clearly at the far left, while the pointy-topped skólavarða, or school guardhouse (does anyone have a better translation of this or an explaination of what the skólavarða was used for?) stands just where Hallgrímskirkja is today (the view is from what would be the back of the church).
Oh, and Jared...sorry I missed your brunch! Hope you enjoy the museum!
Not only do I wish I could take pictures like you, I also wish I had such interesting architecture to take pictures of.
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