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Town Square

On good days (sunny that is, and warm) city folk gather at Austurvellir, a charming little grassy square right in the heart of Reykjavik. Often, of course, a bit of sunshine creates a kind of mass delusion of warmth, when in fact the thermometer barely edges up to 60°F. Those who understand this phenomena make the trek anyway, knowing they'll see a familiar face or two, but armed with sweaters and even a decent something to put between their bum and the almost always damp grass. What amazes me is that some locals seem just as surprised each time a cloud covers the precious sun, dropping temps by the tens of degrees. Regardless, it's always nice to grab a to-go latte and join the hopeful masses down at the town square.


m said...

When I lived in Iceland in 2000, I fell prey to this phenomenon too: the sun would come out and everyone would automatically look up like God was smiling down on you or something. I missed the sun when I was there...

Anonymous said...

i spent quite a few hours sitting in that square watching the world go by when i was there last year. its lovely...also your photo made me smail as i took a very similar one...well...the buildings anyway... its used here on the second page: