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This charming, dreamy young man is the brother of two sweet sisters enrolled at the International School of Iceland where I teach (more on that later). Our 18 students and four teachers went tree-planting with the kids from Sjálandsskóli, (our school is housed there) and he came along for the ride. Though we're sure not all of the few hundered birch we planted will survive the winter, any and all foliage that does is very welcome and brings us a step closer to re-foresting our nearly-barren little island.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maria! Hi, it's Kim...McCully. Sorry we lost touch again. I looked at your blog the other day and WOW, it is captivating. It really is. I don't know how you find the time to keep it up as well as you do + do all of the other things you do. Do you ever sleep? You are making me want to come to Iceland. (In Summer maybe...I went to Stockholm this past Winter and it was too cold for my California blood). Drop me a line when you can, I'd love to hear from you again.
Bye for now and keep up the GREAT work! Congrats on finishing up school and now teaching!!!