It's been lovely, as usual, having lots and lots of visitors here on the Lava Rock, especially ones who are here for music, music and more music. The festival's really for the tourists, anyway. Get's way too crowded at our local venues, making it hardly worth stepping out at night. But like I said before, it's nice to see new faces on our downtown sidewalks, and always a little sad when they're gone.
I love your photographs!
Icelandic buildings are sooooo cute!
I actually went to 12 tonar the last day I was in Iceland and loved the atmosphere. With free coffee/tea, comfy couches and the ability to open any CD I wish, 12 tonar kills any record store in America.
I ended up buying Mugison after telling the workers all I know that's Icelandic is Sigur Ros. Is Mugison still a big deal in Iceland? I got Lonely Mountain and love the packaging (all stitched by hand) and the quirkyness in the electronic blend.
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