It's that season again, when choirs of children sing angelic songs at Sunday services and Advent candleabras grace windows across the country. Strings of Christmas lights are twined through bare tree branches and thousands of tiny lit bulbs outline houses, making the long darkness of winter more tolerable.
Right now, at 9 a.m., it's nighttime black outside, with a few hours left to go. I like the coziness of the dark days, personally, but I thank the stars for sweet holiday music, warm scarves and the wonder that is electricity!
I'm glad to hear you enjoy the long winter nights in Icelend. I was there in early April on my trip and it was already light until almost 10 p.m., so I didn't get to witness the odd darkness. Well, odd to us southerners in New England, I suppose. I hope to experience it, myself.
Thanks for the comments on my site. Glad to be aboard...
Just one request, if you happen to read any further - fyrirgefðu mín frönsku !
(hope that translates properly)
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