The icicles are all melted here in Reykjavik. We had a right snappy below-zero spell during the first half of January, but its gone now. There's just a few dirty mounds of roadside snow to show for our little winter. And I went ahead and had the snow tires put on the car, finally. I kept delaying (though they're supposed to be on by November) because the past few years there's been so little need for them. They just rip up the ice-free tarmac, helping make winter skies a weird green just at the horizen as the ground up road dust mixes with exhaust and other industrial fumes. Yes, we have air pollution in super-clean Iceland. A bummer to admit, but true.
So the post-Christmas sale season is ending and life is returning back to normal as we settle in for the long haul to Easter. The sun shines longer by minutes each day, and before you know it it'll be light all night long. Actually, that's months off, but it's nice to know some things are sure bets in life.
Hello to mom and dad in Hawaii and we all hope you are enjoying life on the slightly more lush lava rocks on the other side of the globe. Óðinn has four teeth now and Valentina is super as usual. We miss you both! These icicles are, of course, just a little reminder of home...
Gorgeous photos! I've never been in Island. Just for coriousity: I've heard in some places they heat the walkways during winter because geothermal energy is so easy obtainable. Is that true?
dear maria,
i´ve found your blog while searching the web for special icelandic-blogs. your photos are beautiful! getting homesick:-) I went to reykjavik in november 2006, doing some investigations for my feature film script. it was a wonder-ful and magical journey. your island is great and energetic! your iceland eyes show me many places were i have been. glaedi to find your site :-)
greetings from germany
The sign does mean "sale"...very astute, steph! And yes, we do have some geothermally heated sidewalks. In fact, the one in front of our house is heated. We have one of the only snow-free spots on our street. I think the owner who added on to our building in the forties went ahead and sported for a fnacy sidewalk, too.
(p.s.... hi, germany!)
Hallo maria.. finnally I can comment on these things and finnally I have my own blogg and finnaly I'm going to Japan. And all this lack of Ice in Iceland due to global warming scares me.. I actually dreamed last night that the north pole had melted away compleatly and I was arguing to my family that It mattered.
Good photos:)
I just happened upon your blog via BlogFlux. You have wonderful photos posted here, and I like the stories you tell. I look forward to learning more about Iceland. Greetings from Singapore :D
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