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This view is found on the little island of Grótta, just outside of the town of Seltjarnarnes (Seal Pond Point) which is a tight-knit and slightly snobby community at the very tip of the peninsula that Reykjavik sits on. It's a nature reserve and bird sanctuary that is connected to the mainland by a thin spit of land that exposes at low tide. There's a golf course out there, a nature center, old war bunkers and a very wonderful stretch of beach that reminds me of a typical Northern California strand, with cold-water waves crashing against the sands and rocky outcrops. It's a lovely place for a walk, especially as winter fades away and the days lengthen once more.


Shannon said...

Beautiful! It really makes me miss living in Iceland. I love your blog...thanks for all of the beautiful photos you post...please keep them coming!


Michele said...

Gorgeous pictures like these make me want to visit Iceland!

Julie said...

There's a lot of ducks in that little pond.

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

I grew up in Santa Rosa, and love the beaches north of Bodega Bay with their beautiful rock formations. The water is cold, but we made a habit of getting in (and getting out quickly) several times a year. When we visited Grettir's pool last summer my sons went into the fjord afterward to "cool off." I passed up that opportunity! Now we live in Virginia where the beaches are warm but very boring.

Maya said...

hi! I have no idea how I found your blog, but I'm so happy I did! Thank you for taking me back to my childhood in Iceland!! I never get tired of looking at pictures of the most beautiful island on earth! It's at moments like this that I wish I could go back home and live name is María and I was born in Reykjavík (like everybody else!!) and lived in Hafnarfjordur and Gardabaer until I was 9, then we moved til Portugal where I still live. My parents are in Iceland now visiting relatives...

Marxe said...

Hi, Maria!
I'm from Argentina and I've been visiting your blog for awhile and I find it beautiful and interesting. I hope I can visit Iceland one day.
I love your pics also and found this one from Grotta specialy peaceful.
If you don't mind I put this pic in my blog to illustrate a text by Kazuo Ishiguro. I put a link to your site. If you do not like this please let me know.
