By the way, this thick carpet of moss, so soft to lay on and warm, took an unimaginably long time to grow as lush as it is. It's a special part of our island world, a sign of constancy and soft complement to the harsh black rock it lies on. Treat it with care...it's most certainly older than you are.
Hi There!
I am really enjoying your blog!
I used to live in Norway, and although Iceland is much different it is kind of fun to read your blog!
That's really pretty. We use to have some moss in our back yard, but we dug it up to show people when we were kids. Now we don't have any.
Interesting formation...it reminds me of the lava fields I've seen in Hawaii. Of course, plants in HI grow much quickly, but it still takes a few hundred years for the lava to break down enough for shrubs and trees to take root.
Thats a beautiful picture!
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