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We enjoyed Wally's show last July. So he's itinerant..."like the swallows and plovers"--ha! What surprised me was that he could get people to participate and--shall we say, expose themselves--in such a public way. Wally is amazing. Great psychology; great coordination!
Figures I missed him by about four days! Good thing I can enjoy him through your blog! ;)
My husband says that Wally, whom he's worked with in the past, has an Icelandic girlfriend/wife, so that might keep him a bit more grounded in Reykjavik. But he also says (sorry Wally if you ever read this for dishing news about you...but that's life in the spotlight!) that he's got a car somewhere in the southern regions of Africa that he's plotting to drive north. Way north. I.e. here. As he's got clowning in his heart and soul, I'm guessing he'll liven up a town square or two along the way.
Unfortunatley for a group of about twenty Rumanian accordian players, Iceland hasn't been so welcoming. Though I personally loved hearing them play on city sidewalks and liked their warm quiet smiles (they never asked for money, just played and smiled) it seems other residents were offended for some reason and called the authorities to complain. They were all gathered up, ushered out to the airport and sent back to Oslo from where they came. Rumors of their having been indentured workers beholden to an international crime ring, sent here to play and beg money to pay for their freedom, have been unsubstantiated.
Those stilts look scary. :-) But its gotta be fun.
I enjoyed Wally's show lots of times last Summer. I love it. I've no idea he went back all Summers.
Thanks for inform about the situation of Rumanians. I've just read what iceland review say and it's good to know other opinion.
I was just surfing for Icelandic Blogs in English and came upon this blog that lo and behold featured a big photo of me!!!! Thanks for the nice things that have been said. I love this little two bit town and its crazy inhabitants.
Yes, if your interested, I get married to my Icelandic better half next week. I met her when I came to visit last year and the rest is history. It would seem that my crazy world wandering days are slowing down and the Reykjavik honey pot has claimed another soul. However I dont ever intend to subject myself to a complete Icelandic winter when their are so many other beautiful places and people in the world that are warmer and brighter.
I do indeed have a beautiful car in Southern Africa which I have plans to drive all the way to Reykjavik in 2008 or 2009. Can you imagine life without a 1968 Volkswagen Kombi once you have let it into your life??? I dont even want to think about it! And Im looking for sponsorshp!
If you see me this summer say hi!
And a comment from Wally. It doesn't get any better than that. Good luck with your new life and love in Iceland!
Hey you there!
It's the first time i check a blog from your country, and yours is really cool and awesome. it's terrific!
my regards from chile
check mine at http://boggito.blogspot.com
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