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Here's a happy Valentina and Marsibil at a fall meeting of the girls who went to the YWCA summer camp Vindáshlíð. I've always thought it unfortunate that the acronym for the Young Women's Christian Society here in Iceland is KFUK (if you can give me the full name I'll give you a gold star!) There used to be an office for the society downtown on Austurstræti when I was a kid visiting my amma, and I was always a little shocked because I wasn't sure if the people who worked there knew what the name looked like to an English speaker. To this day it doesn't sit right with me, though the society itself is a wonderful thing and my daughter certainly enjoyed her stay at their camp this summer.


Anonymous said...

KFUK: Kristilegt félag ungra kvenna.

Iceland Eyes said...

Perfect, Skúli Páls. I basically knew the words but didn't get the spelling right, and so was unable to google them to double check my guess and, oddly, the web site only uses the acronym! Thank you...