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This entry into the annual Katla Baking Goods gingerbread competition at Smáralind Mall caught my eye because of its originality, and mostly because of the Not Welcome sign at the entrance to the cave. It wasn't until I got home that I realized this is a Seussian scene, and that a cute little marzipan Grinch is stationed by the entrance to the cave.

The infamous Grinch also plays a role in Smáralind's annual Christmas Pageant, and the 2000 movie with, alas, a poor flailing Jim Carrey, was shown on RUV, the national tv station, last night.

Is green the new Xmas red? If Grinch (who turned 50 this year!) and our favorite holiday movie, Elf have anything to do with it, I'd say yes.


Anonymous said...

How lovely and how fun!

Ogie said...

Gleðilig Jól og Gott Nýggjár

Unknown said...

happy yule maria! i have been trying to contact thorgeir, but his email addr had a typo in it. could you please have him check his myspace for a message from me? thank you. doug