Al Gore is here today. Maybe he'll be able to convince the powers that be that creating an ultra-modern environment-loving model eco society in Iceland would be the thing to do. We have the technology, we have the opportunity, we have the reputation. No pussyfooting. We have a future to enter.
Starting Now.
FastCompany just ran a rather nice story on how Iceland is making the push for fully sustained, green energy, hydrogen powered cars, and the like.
Then, paradoxically, National Geographic just ran one about the dam, aluminum smelting plant, and how it's a bane on nature and Iceland is on the crux of tipping into an industrialized, polluted future.
I don't know what to believe. BUT, my visit to Reykjavik last week was wonderful, nonetheless.
nice blog...i dont know anything about iceland, so this will be a good education blog for me and lovely pictures :)
There was a really disappointing article in Newsweek (4/14/08) "Iceland has power to burn." While it discussed the Alcoa plant at Reydarfjordur, nothing was mentioned of any negative or controversial aspects of the project. It was completely one-sided. Whatever one's views might be, biased reporting like this is an injustice to the public, especially in a magazine that assumes the mantle of objectivity.
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