Hótel borg in the heart of Reykjavík |
Pabbi (Dad) told me that the wife of the owner of Hotel Borg* lived in this corner tower of the gorgeous Art Deco hotel back in the days. He worked there as a bellhop when he was a young teen and says that no on ever saw the reclusive wife...she was an utter mystery. Not so mysterious were the goings on of the adult staff in linen closets and corners, so I hear. And the dances and balls and parties that were held there! I've heard stories from the the older generations that would make today's youth blush. Somehow every generation imagines it invented the concept of drinking and dancing and kissing til dawn, doesn't it?
This is post number 492, everyone. Damn! Wow! Five years of Iceland Eyes, almost to the day. I'd have given up long ago if the international support hadn't shown itself in so many ways. I'm starting to consider what I should do to celebrate half a decade of this persistent hobby, and just exactly what my five hundredth post's photo should be. Ideas, anyone?
*Borg = city.
I always think of Karolina Larusdottir when I hear about Hotel Borg.
I had many a lovely dinner there back in the time :)
would it be way too massive a post to do "500 awesome things about Iceland"? That would be simply amazing.
Having stayed there once (March, 2000) I couldn't help picturing it as the backdrop for Arnaldur Indriðasson´s Voices... brrr.
Perhaps your photogenic cat Míó could make another appearance?
The posts really fly by, don't they? (I'm up over 1500- but I've had help.) Here's to another 5 years!
Ideas for a celebration? Kissing in closets is always popular, not just on Iceland.
One thing that would give your blog a lot more readers is if you also covered Icelandic culture, like Baltasar Kormákurs new film Brúdguminn.
Especially if you could get interviews with Icelandic movie makers you would really see a bump in your already considerable traffic.
Och lycka till med ditt jubileum!
Congrats, Maria. Looking forward to many more.
Ive been loving you from New York for over a year. Keep the photos coming...one day I'll finally make it to Iceland for a guest appearance!
A skyr giveaway! Please, God...
Here's a link to artist Karolina Larusdottir: http://www.karolinalarusdottir.com/
(hi Mo'a)
Megan, my whole blog is 500 Awesome Things About Iceland!
Batty, you have an idea there, re: Mio. I was at a cocktail party last night hosted by the couple on the first floor of my building and we talked for at least a half an hour about Mio the Wonder Cat. He's taken to hanging out outside the Þrír Frakkar seafood restaurant on the corner of our street for free fish and for the adoration of the tourists who go there. And he poses for them like the superstar he is.
Lennart, nice concept. I like to let venues like Iceland Review and Grapevine take care of the that angle, but I do know so many very cool artists that I suppose it would be a win-win thing to interview/promote them.
At one time I had actually toyed with the idea of having guest posters and Prof. Batty was the only one who took me up on it. Still a good concept, though. I'd love to present photos/commentary from other Iceland lovers out there. Anyone up for it?
Thanks Rose. You're always so sweet :)
dp, I'm feeling the love...!
Cuileann, SKYR! You're on! Now we have to come up with a good challenge/competition. Hmmm....or are you suggesting I send Skyr to everyone? Or just to you? ;)
You all rock!
I'll be back in Iceland in October and will write you a special post...
Næs, Professor. I like it.
Congrats Maria! Here's the 500 more!
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