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Sunrise over Reykjavík

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Welcome back!
I was getting worried if it was the Kreppa or long nights that kept you from posting.
But daylight comes...
Good to see you, and the sun!
All I can say is WOW! This is one of the best blogs I have ever seen. You have great pictures and good comments. Now I really want to travel to Iceland. I am looking at some of the best blogs worldwide to get ideas on how to improve our Blog. I am a U.S. Marine stationed in Afghanistan and we recently stood up a blog for our command. If you don't mind I would like your thoughts on how we have integrated our blog into our webpage. Here's our webpage for the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan
( www.ntm-a.com ). Thanks for your great blog. I am putting Iceland on my list of places to visit in the future.
Semper Fi,
Col Gregory T. Breazile, USMC
Director of Communication
NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan
So nice to see you back ... the pseudo winters here in West Texas leave me longing for Iceland. Thanks for continuing to provide the "fix" for those of us who love Iceland so much!
I miss the winter sunlight so much. there has hardly been any here in Berlin for the last 3 months. Only grey! I have never felt winter depression before and now I know Iceland is really a great place to be in January and Febrary. I don´t know what I was thinking!
Hi all, and so good to know a new post, after a small pause, is appreciated!
Greg, thank you so much for your compliment!
I think the success of this blog has been my Keep it Simple philosophy. We all love clear, crisp images, and coupling them with a select few words on a clean, white page seems to defy the current info overload surrounding us everyday.
I know some people hardly read what I write, and only take in the pictures, which is ironic as the photos, all taken with a simple point and shoot camera, began only as a way to decorate my text five years ago. But now I only post if I have a good, simple, clear photo to use. I write for each post, but sometimes the text actually has nothing to do with the image. Visitors can then take as much or as little as they need or want from Iceland Eyes.
It's clean and simple, and I'd like to think my heart's in this little hobby of mine, which makes a difference. There's hardly any politics, only basic references to current affairs and news, and, hopefully, an overriding, overall positive tone. The photos are just snapshots of real life here, not massaged, manipulated or staged. And I think that is what reaches out to people.
I clicked on the Blog tab on the ntm-a website you linked and I think the photos from the blogs I saw listed were gorgeous. Real people in real life, with hope shining through. Clean and simple text. I like it. I think you're all going in just the right direction : )
All the best to you, from Iceland...
You and Alda, still keeping Iceland alive for those of us stuck in "flyover-land", good to see you back!
Maria, thanks so much for your feedback. We know the people of Afghanistan have such a long way to go until they have a stabile society and we just want to convey what they are doing to change their situation for the better. I really appreciate your blog being out there and I'm truly grateful for your response. I just had an article published in my hometown newspaper on the generosity of the Afghan people and I thought I'd share it with you becuase you exemplify the type of generosity in my article.
Thanks again for taking the time to give me some feedback.
Semper Fidelis,
Rare view in Iceland..You have to wait for many days to watch sunrise.
Iceland golden circle tour
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