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A balloon tower rose over Austurvellir on Saturday, part of the Jónsvaka Midsummer Fesitval. For me, the fascination lay not just in how the breeze played with the ephemeral structure, but in how seemingly minute additions, in this case one small balloon at a time, over time, created it. It is the tiny moments, possibly considered inconsequential in themselves, that add depth to our histories by bridging the spaces between the more dramatic and defining events of our lives.


Fred Miller said...

You made me think. This does represent a lifespan. Aristotle said, "We are the sum of our actions." A dry statement, perhaps, but easy to meditate on and worth the effort. Thanks for reminding me, Maria.

Laura said...

We were visiting the Hjemkomst festival in Minnesota, and my husband commented on the legacy of the builder of the stave church. I replied that I didn't want or need a legacy like that, I would rather be remembered for all the "little" things I've done.

P.S. The Hjemkomst festival food court had skyr. Took me back to Iceland on the first taste.

Miriam Sagan said...

This is beautiful! I'm going to link to your blog.
I am glad to have found your blog--I'm blogging for two weeks from Gullkistan Residency at Miriam's Well ( about writing in Iceland.

Iceland Eyes said...

It's such a pleasure to know that thinking people are visiting my blog! : )

Fred, you are consistently entertaining (sorry, I'm not so good at commenting :P )

Laura, thanks for the glimpse of life in Winnipeg. YOur children are lovely!

Miriam, I hope your stay here is enlightening and fruitful...looks like you've done some amazing things so far : )