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Our gorgeous Mio, and the 75 year old Bing & Grøndahl porcelain figurine I found of him at the amazing Fríða Frænka antique store in the heart of Reykjavik, decorate our living room window. How a Danish artist of the early twentieth century could have known our cat so well, I'll never know : )


Kevin Trammel said...

What fun. And what a great photo!

Fred Miller said...

The figurine is not smiling, but Mio is!

Anonymous said...

Who's going to blink first??

Mathieu Farrand said...

Thanks Maria, so creative! Love your posts.

Professor Batty said...

And the great thing is, Mio knows exactly what he's doing! Great photo.

Message in a Bottle said...

Greetings from sunny Philippines! I've always been fascinated with Iceland and I guess Im seeing half of the country, through your photos.

Cheers and more power always

Taiteelliset eväät said...

Hieno kontrasti kumpikohan on oikea kissa. Mukavat värit

Anonymous said...

Love this pic and your blog since maybe... mmm, 5 years...

I say hi from Mexico!

I want to show you this blog, from Montreal, you and her have too much in commun, photographie and a beautiful eye and sensibility...

see u soon


hrunda said...

Haha, great photo!