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This chalet near the seaside town of Hellnar just below Snæfellsjökull nicely mirrors the near-perfect natural pyramid of Stapafell Mountain, which in my eyes is an often-overlooked magical companion to the gorgeous glacier above it. Bárður, the guardian half-ogre/half human of the region, calls this special place his home.

Wondering how one recognizes an ogre? Here's a read about our Bárður in English by Ármann Jakobsson, a renowned local writer and professor of Icelandic (and the brother of our outgoing Minister of Education, Science and Culture, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, who is off on maternity leave.)

Note: the chalet has a yin yang symbol over it's door, but I have no idea who owns it....very curious.


Frank said...

.....more, more.....:)

Lennart said...

"which in my eyes is a often-overlooked" should be "an" often overlooked ...

To find the owner of the YinYang cottage, make an inventory of all Taoists on Iceland who like the sea. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for feeding my insatiable appetite for all things Iceland. Have just discovered your site and I am hooked.

Iceland Eyes said...

So glad you all stopped by : )