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A tourist takes a shady break on a bench in a tiny park right by Hallgrímskirkja. There used to be a house on the lot, a ramshackle cottage that was torn down a few years ago and replaced by roll-a-lawn. I pass this lot almost every day (a wall of the college where I teach is in the background) and certainly did not expect it to stay empty and green for as long as it has. With the addition of of a couple of arty sheep silhouettes and a bench, it's now a proper park-ette, though as is only visitors take advantage of its idyll.

Was the land bequeathed to the city, I wonder? Is there some green benefactor purposed with sprinkling small gardens about town? Nice thought, and with the same healthy benefit as our pop-up Heart Park, which I wrote about in 2009, and again last year when street artists took it over with urban style (note that the brick wall in the first link is the 'canvas' in the second ; )

Grass, trees, some benches and art...has there ever been a better combination to soothe a city's soul?


Frank said...

.....looks nice.
There is a lot of things
I would like to write about,
even if I'm looking through others
eyes now.....

Anonymous said...

Halló Maria Alva,

I particularly enjoyed this last post. I could feel the peace in your words and looking at the picture.

I´ve never visited Iceland, but know some information on the country by now, even a few expressions.

I hope you´re enjoying every minute of your life there.

Sofia from Portugal...residing in Estonia

Iceland Eyes said...

Thank you, both of you. I'm very happy the peaceful vibe surrounding this moment translated in the photo.

I hope you make it here some day, Sofia. And Frank, do keep on writing : )